मंगलवार, 29 मार्च 2011

अच्युताष्टकम् - Achyutastakam

Narayan, Vishnu, Krishna, Balkrishna, Krishna with Flute, Achyutam Keshavam RamNarayanam Krishna damodaram vasudevam Harim
जय श्री कृष्ण
अच्युतं केशवं रामनारायणं  कृष्णदामोदरं वासुदेवं हरिम् ।
श्रीधरं माधवं गोपिकावल्लभं  जानकीनायकं रामचन्द्रं भजे ॥

अच्युतं केशवं सत्यभामाधवं  माधवं श्रीधरं राधिकाराधितम् ।
इन्दिरामन्दिरं चेतसा सुन्दरं  देवकी नन्दनं नन्दजं सन्दधे ॥

विष्णवे जिष्णवे शङ्खिने चक्रिणे  रुक्मणीरागिणे जानकी जानये ।
वल्लवीवल्वभायार्चितायात्मने  कंशविध्वंसिने वंशिने ते नमः ॥

कृष्ण गोविन्द हे राम नारायण  श्रीपते वासुदेवाजित  श्रीनिधे ।
अच्युतानन्त हे माधवाधोक्षज  द्वारकानायक द्रौपदीरक्षक ॥

राक्षसक्षोभितः सीतया शोभितो  दण्डकरण्यभूपुण्यताकारणः ।
लक्ष्मणेनान्वितो वानरैः सेवितो  ऽगस्त्यसम्पूजितो राघवः पातु माम् ॥

धेनुकारिष्टकानिष्टकृद्द्वेषिहा  केशिहा कंसह्रद्वंशिकावादकः ।
पूतनाकोपकः सूरजाखेलनो  बालगोपालकः पातु मां सर्वदा ॥

विद्युदुद्योतवत्प्रस्फुरद्वाससं  प्रावृडम्भोदवत्प्रोल्लसद्विग्रहम् ।
वन्यया मालया शोभितोरःस्थलं  लोहिताङ्घ्रिद्वयं वारिजाक्षं भजे ॥

कुञ्चितैः कुन्तलैर्भ्राजमानाननं  रत्नमौलिं लसत्कुण्डलं गण्डयोः ।
हारकेयूरकं कङ्कणप्रोज्ज्वलं  किङ्किणी मञ्जुलं श्यामलं तं भजे ॥

अच्युतस्याष्टकं यः पठेदिष्टदं  प्रेमतः प्रत्यहं पूरुषः सस्पृहम् ।
वृत्ततः सुन्दरं कर्तृविश्वम्भरस्तस्य वश्यो हरिर्जायते सत्वरम् ॥

श्रीमच्छङ्कराचार्यकृतमच्युताष्टकं शुभम् ।

Achyutam Keshavam, Narayan, Bal Krishna, with mother

Achyutastakam in English and Unicode Sanskrit
Achyutham Kesavam Rama-Narayanam
Krishna-Damodaram Vasudevam Harim;
Shreedharam Madhavam Gopikavallabham
Janakee-Nayakam Ramachandram Bhaje[1]

Achyutham Keshavam Satyabhamadhavam
Madhavam Shreedharam Radhikaradhakam;
Indiramandiram Chetasa Sundaram
Devakee-Nandanam Nandajam Sandadhe[2]

Vishnave Jishnave Shakhine Chakrine
Rukmineeragine Janakeejanaye;
Vallaveevallabha Yarchitayatmane
Kamsavidhvamsine Vamshine Te Namah[3]

Krishna Govinda he Rama Narayana
Shreepate Vasudevajite Shreenidhe;
Achyutanata he Madhavadhokshaja
Dvarakanayaka Draupadee-Rakshakaa[4]

Rakshasakshobhitah Seetayah Shobhito
Dandakaranya Bhoopunyata Karanah;
Lakshmanenanvito Vanariah Sevito
Gastyasampoojito Raghavah Patumam[5]

Dhenukarishtaka Nishtakriddveshinam
Keshiha Kamsahridvamshiko vadakah;
Poothanakopakah Soorajakhelano
Bala-Gopalakah Patu mam Sarvada[6]

Vidyududyotavan Prasphuradvasasam
Pravridambhodavat Prollasavigraham;
Vanyaya Malaya Shobitorasthalam
Lohitanghridvayam Varijaksham Bhaje[7]

Kunchitaih Kuntalairbhrajamananam
Ratnamaulim Lasatkundalam Gandayoh;
Harakeyoorakam Kankanaprojjvalam
Kinkineemanjulam Shyamalam Tam Bhaje[8]

Achyuta syastakam Yah Pathedistadam
Prematah Pratyaham Purusah Saspruham;
Vrittatah Sundaram Kartrivisvambharas
Tasya Vasyo Harirjayate Satvaram[9]

Achyutastakam  Meaning 
(pronounced Acyutāṣṭakam)

I adore Rāmacandra, Who is infallible, Who is Keśava, Rāma, Nārāyaṇa, Kṛṣṇa, Dāmodara, Vāsudeva, Hari, Śrīdhara, Mādhava, Who is dear to Gopikā, and Who is the consort of Jānakī.[1]

I offer a salute with my hands together to Keśava, Who is infallible, Who is the consort of Satyabhāmā (as Kṛṣṇa), Mādhava, Śrīdhara, Who is longed-for by Rādhikā, Who is the temple of Lakṣmī (Indirā), Who is beautiful by thought, Who is dear to Devakī, and Who is dear to all.[2]

Salutations for Viṣṇu, Who conquers everyone, Who holds a conch-shell and a discus, Who is dear to Rukmiṇī (Kṛṣṇa), Who is the consort of Jānakī (Rāma), Who is dear to cowherdesses, Who is offered [in sacrifices], Who is the Ātman (soul), Who destroyed Kaṁsa, and Who plays the flute.[3]

O Kṛṣṇa! O Govinda! O Rāma! O Nārāyaṇa, Who is the consort of Lakṣmī! O Vāsudeva, Who attained the treasure of Lakṣmī! O Acyuta, Who is immeasurable! O Mādhava, O Adhokṣaja, Who is the leader of Dvārikā, and Who is the protector of Draupadī!1[4]

May Rāghava — Who upsetted the demons, Who adorned Sītā, Who is Danḍaka-forest purification cause, Who is accompanied by Lakṣmaṇa, Who was served by monkeys, and Who is revered by Sage Agastya — protect me.[5]

May Baby Gopāla (Kṛṣṇa) — Who was unfavorable to Dhenukāsura and Ariṣṭāsura, Who destroyed Keśī, Who killed Kaṁsa, Who plays the flute, and Who got angry on Pūtanā2 — always protect me.[6]

I sing praise of Acyuta, Who is adorned by a lightening like shining yellow robe, Whose body is resplendent like a cloud of the rainy-season, Who is adorned by a wild-flower garland at His chest, Whose twin-feet are of copper-red color, and Who has lotus-like eyes.[7]

I sing praise of that Śyāma, Whose face is adorned by falling locks of curly tresses, Who has jewels at forehead, Who has shining ear-rings on the cheeks, Who is adorned with a Keyūra (flower) garland, Who has a resplendent bracelet, and Who has a melodious anklet.[8]

Poet: Ādi Śaṅkara
Book: Bṛhatstotraratnākaraḥ
Translation by Animesh Kumar

Achyut, Keshav, Krishna, Narayan, Srimad Shankraracharya krit, Vishnu, अच्युताष्टकम्, श्रीमच्छङ्कराचार्यविरचित, 

सूर्याष्टकम् - Suryastakam

Sun God, Bhagawan Surya Narayan, Riding on his seven horsed chariot
सूर्य भगवान
साम्ब उवाच -
आदिदेव नमस्तुभ्यं प्रसीद मम भास्कर ।
दिवाकर नमस्तुभ्यं प्रभाकर नमोऽस्तु ते ॥१॥ Bhāskara, Ādideva (the primodial Lord), bless me! prostration unto thou, O Divākara (The deity responsible for the creation of Day), O Prabhākara(the deity responsible for ushering light unto the world), prostrations unto to thou.

सप्ताश्व रथमारूढं प्रचण्डं कश्यपात्मजम् ।
श्वेत पद्माधरं देवं तं सूर्यं प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥२॥  
The Sun God (Sūrya) seated on a chariot drawn by seven horses, the resplendent one, the son of Kaśyapa, holding a lotus in the hand, unto Him I prostrate.

लोहितं रथमारूढं सर्वलोकपितामहम् ।
महापापहरं देवं तं सूर्यं प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥३॥
 Seated on a red chariot, the father of the whole world, the annihilator of deadly sins, unto him I prostrate.

त्रैगुण्यश्च महाशूरं ब्रह्माविष्णु महेश्वरम् ।
महापापहरं देवं तं सूर्यं प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥४॥  
The one who assumes the form of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas, and also the form(s) of Brahmā, ViṢṇu and Maheśvara, the great warrior, remover of deadly sins, unto that Sun God, I prostrate.

बृह्मितं तेजःपुञ्जञ्च वायुराकाशमेव च ।
प्रभुत्वं सर्वलोकानां तं सूर्यं प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥५॥  
The Omni-present and luminous Lord of the whole Universe, unto that Sun God, I prostrate.

बन्धूकपुष्पसङ्काशं हारकुण्डलभूषितम् ।
एकचक्रधरं देवं तं सूर्यं प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥६॥  
Sūryadeva of red complexion like that of the Bandhūka tree, adorning a garland around His neck, Earrings on his ear, holding the divine discus (cakra) in the shape of time, unto Him, I prostrate.

तं सूर्यं लोककर्तारं महा तेजः प्रदीपनम् ।
महापाप हरं देवं तं सूर्यं प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥७॥  
The supreme ruler of all the worlds, the administrator, of all deadly sins, unto that Sun God I prostrate.

तं सूर्यं जगतां नाथं ज्ञानप्रकाशमोक्षदम् ।
महापापहरं देवं तं सूर्यं प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥८॥  
I prostrate the Lord of The world, the bestower of liberation through the effulgent rays of knowledge and the destroyer of great sins.

श्री शिवप्रोक्तं सूर्याष्टकमं शुभम्।

Sun God, Bhagawan Surya Narayan
सूर्यनारायण भगवान

Surya is  the visible form of God that one can see every day. Furthermore, Surya is regarded as the form of  Shiva by Shaivites as Astamurti and Vishnu by Vaishnavas as Surya Narayana.
Other names of Surya are
  • Vishnu, Vivasvān (Sanskrit root: Vivasvat, विवस्वत्)  
  • Ravi रवी (lit. "the Fire Bird"),
  • Aditya आदित्य(lit. the son of Aditi),
  • Pusha (the best Purifier),
  • Divakar दिवाकर (the maker of the day),
  • Savita सविता(the vivifier),
  • Arka अर्क (the ray),
  • Mitra मीत्र (friend),
  • Bhanu भानु(light),
  • Bhaskar भाष्कर (maker of Light), and
  • Grahapati ग्रहपती(the Lord of Grahas)

Astamurti, Narayan, Shivaprokta, Sun, Surya Narayan, Surya stotra, सूर्याष्टकम्,