सोमवार, 28 जुलाई 2014

Arya and Castes

Arya means a noble person/ gentleman.

1. If in behavior, speech, actions, one adheres to principles of vedas – is civilized, affectionate to fellow people, not tempted to commit sins, hygienic, promotes and propagates truth, etc – he or she is an Arya. Again it is not a binary logic, but a continuous function.

2. English is a poor approximate of vedic language. But Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra are names of varnas or classifications based on profession. They have nothing to do with birth. Shudra is someone who could not get adequetly educated and hence incompetent to be in any of these professions.  People in knowledge based matters are Brahmins, those in state/defence level matters are Kshatriyas, those in financial/ economic jobs are Vaishyas and rest are Shudras.

3. These Varnas are nothing to do with presently used custom of surnames. In fact if you read Ramayan or Mahabharat or other texts of those times, you do not find this tradition of First Name-Middle Name-Surname as nomenclature of people.

I would refute the basis of argument that Arya word denotes parentage in any manner.

1. Of course, family and parentage do have their role in determining sanskaars of a person. But that does not mean that someone from unidentified parentage cannot be Arya. This imaginary casteism is one of the biggest
reasons for our decadence. We foolishly expurged a large majority of our fellow brothers and sisters as Shudras and Achhoots on basis of their unknown or questionable lineage or family.

2. The Arya has nothing to do with one’s gotra. Hardly any surname today represents any Gotra. The gotra classification was to do with preventing marriages between closed relatives.

3. Arya denotes a noble person. Family is only one among many ways to ascertain if someone is noble. And to say that Shudra cannot become Brahmin is again blatantly wrong. Brahmin is someone with knowledge. And Shudra means someone who could not become Brahmin, Kshatriya or Vaishya due to lack of edcation or training. So even a Shudra, after having gained knowledge through efforts can become Brahmin.

4. Dwija means twice born. From birth everyone is Shudra. But after education, Brahmins, Kshatriya and Vaishya take another birth as skilled humans. In other words, education gives them another birth as civilized
people worthy of contributing to society. Thus they become Dwija – twice born. Those who are unable to gain education lose this opportunity of new birth and hence remain Shudra.

Thus an illiterate son of Brahmin is also shudra. And any shudra, after having gained knowledge through his or her efforts can become a brahmin, vaishya or kshatriya. This has nothing to do with biological birth.

Until we are able to throw away this tail of birth based caste, we can never be a united front for vedic empire.

Lets embrace truth and reject the trash.

What is Shankh (Conch)?

A conch is a sea-dwelling mollusc. In Hindu religion, it is popularly called as "Shankha" and considered to be one of the most auspicious objects that emerged from the sea during the Ksheera Sagara Samudra Manthan.  A Shankh (conch) is a natural cover/wrapper of an oceanic worm/creature that protect him from the out side attacks/dangers, and when the worm grows up he come out from it and he throw away it forever.

Dakshinavarti Shankha Types of Shankh (Conch) ......

1. Dakshinavarti Shankha (दक्षिणावर्ती शंख): The Shankha that is open from right side is known as “Dakshinavarti Shankha” Shankha …..!! It is rare, white in color and contains brown line on it.

2. Vamavarti Shankha (वामावर्ती शंख): It opens from left side that’s why it is called Vamavarti; it is used in all the religious activities. Astrologers recommend this SHANKHA to remove the negative energy.
There are a lot of more types of SHANKHA but these two are the main types of SHANKHA.


SHANKHA is one of the 14 gems (RATNA) received from churning sea (SAMUNDRA MANTHAN.)
SHANKHA’s sound is a symbol of victory in VEDAS
SHANKHA produces the sound of OM.
श्रीमद् भगवद् गीता अध्याय-1 (15)
पाञ्चजन्यं हृषीकेशो देवदत्तं धनञ्जयः |
पौण्ड्रं दध्मौ महाशङ्खं भीमकर्मा वृकोदरः ||
श्रीकृष्ण महाराजने पाज्चजन्य नामक, अर्जुन ने देवदत्त नामक और
भीमसेनने पौण्ड्र नामक महाशंख बजाया ।
SHANKHA is produced from SAMUNDRA-MANTHAN and God Vishnu accepted SHANKA for his special adornment. So SHANKHA belongs to god Vishnu


  1. According to Vedic science ….. As far as the SHANKHA’s sound goes, it destroys the harmful micro bacteria from the atmosphere or at least makes them unconscious. (Modern science and scientists also accepted the fact)
  2. According to ASTROLOGY science, SHANKHA’s sound destroys the negative energy from the atmosphere.
  3. Playing SHANKHA regularly is beneficial in respiratory diseases like
    asthma and lever problems.
  4. Playing SHANKHA is equal to doing PRANAYAM (yoga) that saves us from the most deadly diseases like heart attack, high blood pressure, respiratory diseases, lever related problems etc.
  5. Offering water to sun by the Dakshinavarti Shankha protect someone from the eye disorders.
  6. Regular use of a SHANKHA removes deafness and impediments.
  7. A SHANKHA contains plenty of calcium, brimstone and phosphorous in it, and when we put water in a SHANKHA for a while, water becomes fragrant and sterile. That’s why this water is used in religious rituals, prayers and also sprinkled over the people.
  8. SHANKHA water is sprinkled over the people that protect him from the skin diseases.
  9. Put GANGA WATER in SHANKHA for the whole night and next day in the morning give it to the heart patients and the patients of diabetes to rinse with it. It will surely help.
  10. According to VASTU SHASTRA, having a SHANKHA at home removes all the VASTU DOSH (Architectural Defects) of building.
  11. Famous Indian Scientist JAGDISH CHANDRA BOSE did a lot of experiment on SHANKHA and SHANKHA's sound and finally he reach the conclusion that SHANKHA's sound is special, through his experiments he proved many scientific and medical importance of SHANKHA.
Courtesy- Aryavart

Religious Significance

In Indian mythology, the Shankha is regarded sacred and very auspicious. To initiate religious ceremonies, a shankha (conch shell) is blown. It is a major Hindu article of prayer. God Vishnu, the God of Preservation, is shown with a shankha in one hand and a disc or a chakra in the other.

Each hindu shankha has a specific name. Vishnu's shankha is called "Panchajanya". It is believed that when it is blown, it announces the victory of good over evil. In the epic war, Mahabharata, the conch shell held a significant place. Arjuna's shankha was called "Devdutta", Bhima's "Paundra", Yudhisthira's "Anantavijaya", Nakula's "Sughosa" and Sahadeva's was known as "Manipushpaka".

The sacred conch shell is an integral part of Hindu symbolic and religious tradition. Even today, all Hindus use the conch as a part of their religious practices. Whenever the conch shell is blown, it is said to purify the environment from all evil effects.

Scientific significance

Leaving aside the mythology part, the conch shell's significance can also be corroborated by science. If you try holding a shankha near your ear, the sound of the gently humming ocean can be heard. This is actually the natural vibration or cosmic energy of the Earth which gets magnified on entering the conch shell.

The vibrations from these conch shells can overpower evil forces from the Earth and at the same time also clear environmental pollution including healing the hole in the ozone layer which causes global warming. According to science, the blowing of a conch shell enhances the positive psychological vibrations such as courage, determination, hope, optimism, willpower, etc. in the blower as well as those around him.