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Shiva Tandav Nritya शिव तांडव नृत्य |
गलेऽवलम्ब्य लम्बितां भुजङ्गतुङ्गमालिकाम् । डमड्डमड्डमड्डमन्निनादवड्डमर्वयं
चकार चण्ड्ताण्डवं तनोतु नः शिवः शिवम् ॥१॥
The Shiva, Who having held a long-garland of the Snakes at the, purified by the flow of trickling water-drops in the forest-like hair-locks, danced the fierce Tāṇḍava-dance to the music of a sounding-drum - Damaru (डमरु), - May that Shiva extend my bliss. [1]
विलोलवीचिवल्लरीविराजमानमूर्धनि । धगद्धगद्धगज्ज्वलल्ललाटपट्टपावके
किशोरचन्द्रशेखरे रतिः प्रतिक्षणं मम ॥२॥
At every moment, may I find pleasure in Shiva, Whose head is situated in between the creeper-like unsteady waves of Nilimpanirjharī (Gańgā गंगा Ganga) which is roaming unsteadily in the frying-pan like twisted hair-locks, Who has crackling and blazing fire at the surface of forehead at his third eye, and Who has a crescent-moon (young moon) at the forehead [2]
स्फुरद्दिगन्तसन्ततिप्रमोदमानमानसे ।
क्वचिद्दिगम्बरे( क्वचिच्चिदंबरे) मनो विनोदमेतु वस्तुनि ॥३॥
May my mind seeks happiness in Śiva, Whose mind has the shining universe and all the living-beings inside, Who is the charming sportive-friend of the daughter of the mountain-king of the Earth (i.e. Himālaya हिमालय daughter Parvati पार्वती), Whose uninterrupted series of merciful-glances conceals immense-troubles, and Who has direction as His clothes.[3]
कदम्बकुङ्कुमद्रवप्रलिप्तदिग्वधूमुखे ।
मनो विनोदमद्भुतं बिभर्तु भूतभर्तरि ॥४॥
May my mind hold in Shiva, by Whom - with the light from the jewels of the shining-hoods of creeper-like yellow-snakes — the face of Dikkanyās’ are smeared with Kadamba-juice like red Kuńkuma, Who looks dense due to the glittering skin-garment of an intoxicated elephant, and Who is the Lord of the ghosts.[4]
प्रसूनधूलिधोरणी विधूसराङ्घ्रिपीठभूः ।
भुजङ्गराजमालया निबद्धजाटजूटक
श्रियै चिराय जायतां चकोरबन्धुशेखरः ॥५॥
For a long time, may Shiva — Whose foot-basement is grey due to the series of pollen dust from flowers at the head of Indra (Sahasralocana सहस्रलोचन इन्द्र) and all other demi-gods, Whose matted hairlocks are tied by a garland of the king of snakes, and Who has a head-jewel of the friend of cakora bird — produce prosperity.[5]
निपीतपञ्चसायकं नमन्निलिम्पनायकम् ।
सुधामयूखलेखया विराजमानशेखरं
महाकपालिसम्पदेशिरोजटालमस्तु नः ॥६॥
May we acquire the possession of tress-locks of Shiva, Which absorbed the five-arrows (of Kāmadeva) in the sparks of the blazing fire stored in the rectangular-forehead, Which are being bowed by the leader of supernatural-beings, Which have an enticing-forehead with a beautiful streak of crescent-moon.[6]
द्धनञ्जयाहुतीकृतप्रचण्डपञ्चसायके ।
प्रकल्पनैकशिल्पिनि त्रिलोचने रतिर्मम ॥७॥
May I find pleasure in Trilocana, Who offered the five great-arrows (of Kāmadeva) to the blazing and chattering fire of the plate-like forehead, and Who is the sole-artist placing variegated artistic lines on the breasts of the daughter of Himālaya (Pārvatī पार्वती Parvati).[7]
नवीनमेघमण्डली निरुद्धदुर्धरस्फुरत्-
कुहूनिशीथिनीतमः प्रबन्धबद्धकन्धरः ।
निलिम्पनिर्झरीधरस्तनोतु कृत्तिसिन्धुरः
कलानिधानबन्धुरः श्रियं जगद्धुरंधरः ॥८॥
May Shiva — Whose cord-tied neck is dark like a night with shining-moon obstructed by a group of harsh and new clouds, Who holds the River Gańgā (Ganga गंगा), Whose cloth is made of elephant-skin, Who has a curved and crescent moon placed at the forehead, and Who bears the universe — expand [my] wealth.[8]
वलम्बिकण्ठकन्दलीरुचिप्रबद्धकन्धरम् ।
स्मरच्छिदं पुरच्छिदं भवच्छिदं मखच्छिदं
गजच्छिदांधकछिदं तमंतकच्छिदं भजे ॥९॥
I adore Śiva, Who supports the dark glow of blooming blue lotus series at around the girdle of His neck, Who cuts-off Smara (Kāmadeva कामदेव), Who cuts-off Pura, Who cuts-off the mundane existence, Who cuts-off the sacrifice (of Dakṣa दक्ष), Who cuts-off the demon Gaja, Who cuts-off Andhaka, and Who cuts-off Yama (death यम).[9]
रसप्रवाहमाधुरी विजृंभणामधुव्रतम् ।
स्मरान्तकं पुरान्तकं भवान्तकं मखान्तकं
गजान्तकान्धकान्तकं तमन्तकान्तकं भजे ॥१०॥
I adore Shiva, Who only eats the sweet-flow of nectar from the beautiful flowers of Kadamba-trees which are the abode of all important auspicious qualities, Who destroys Smara (Kamadeva कामदेव), Who destroys Pura, Who destroys the mundane existence, Who destroys the sacrifice (of Dakṣa दक्ष), Who destroys the demon Gaja, Who destroys Andhaka, and Who destroys Yama (death यम).[10]
द्विनिर्गमत्क्रमस्फुरत्करालभालहव्यवाट् ।
ध्वनिक्रमप्रवर्तित प्रचण्डताण्डवः शिवः ॥११॥
May Shiva, Whose dreadful forehead has oblations of plentiful, turbulent and wandering snake-hisses — first coming out and then sparking, Whose fierce tāṇḍava-dance is set in motion by the sound-series of the auspicious and best-drum (ḍamaru Damaru डमरु) — which is sounding with ‘dhimit-dhimit’ sounds, be victorious.[11]
गरिष्ठरत्नलोष्ठयोः सुहृद्विपक्षपक्षयोः ।
तृष्णारविन्दचक्षुषोः प्रजामहीमहेन्द्रयोः
समप्रवृतिकः (समं प्रवर्तयन्मनः)कदा सदाशिवं भजे ॥१२॥
When will I adore Sadashiva सदाशिव with an equal vision towards varied ways of the world, a snake or a pearl-garland, royal-gems or a lump of dirt, friend or enemy sides, a grass-eyed or a lotus-eyed person, and common men or the king.[12]
कदा निलिम्पनिर्झरीनिकुञ्जकोटरे वसन्
विमुक्तदुर्मतिः सदा शिरः स्थमञ्जलिं वहन् ।
विमुक्तलोललोचनो ललामभाललग्नकः
शिवेति मंत्रमुच्चरन् कदा सुखी भवाम्यहम् ॥१३॥
Living in the hollow of a tree in the thickets of River Ganga गंगा, always free from ill-thinking, bearing añjali at the forehead, free from lustful eyes, and forehead and head bonded, when will I become content while reciting the mantra ‘‘Shiva?’’[13]
इदम् हि नित्यमेवमुक्तमुत्तमोत्तमं स्तवं
पठन्स्मरन्ब्रुवन्नरो विशुद्धिमेतिसंततम् ।
हरे गुरौ सुभक्तिमाशु याति नान्यथा गतिं
विमोहनं हि देहिनां सुशङ्करस्य चिंतनम् ॥१४॥
Reading, remembering, and reciting this eternal, having spoken thus, and the best among best eulogy indeed incessantly leads to purity. In preceptor Hara (Shiva हर) immediately the state of complete devotion is achieved; no other option is there. Just the thought of Shiva (Sankara, Shankara, शंकर)is enough for the people.[14]
पूजावसानसमये दशवक्त्रगीतं
यः शंभुपूजनपरं पठति प्रदोषे ।
तस्य स्थिरां रथगजेन्द्रतुरङ्गयुक्तां
लक्ष्मीं सदैव सुमुखिं प्रददाति शंभुः ॥१५॥
At the time of prayer-completion, that who reads this song by Daśavaktra (Dasavaktra Ravan दशबक्त्र रावण) after the prayer of Shambhu — Shambhu (शंभो) gives him stable wealth including chariots, elephants and horses, and beautiful face.[15] ॥
इति श्रीरावणविरचितं शिवताण्डवस्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् ॥
Thus ends the Shiva Tandava Stotra written by Ravana.
शिवताण्डवस्तोत्रम् by Ravan with commentary and meaning
Shiva Tandava Stotram (शिवताण्डवस्तोत्रम्) is a very beautifully created hymn of praise in the Hindu tradition that describes Shiva's power and beauty. It was sung by the son of Rishi Vishrawas (aka Vishrava), Ravana whose brother is Kubera. Both the fourth and fifth quatrains of this hymn conclude with lists of Shiva's epithets as destroyer, even the destroyer of death itself. Alliteration and onomatopoeia create roiling waves of resounding beauty in this example of Hindu devotional poetry.
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One of the greatest Shiva Bhakta Ravan Meditating |
Shiva Tandava Stotra
शिवताण्डवस्तोत्र In English
शिवताण्डवस्तोत्र In English
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Shiva Dancing in Ardha Narishwor अर्ध नारीश्वर form |
Gale avalabhya lambithaam bhujanga thunga malikaam,
Dama ddama dama ddama ninnadava damarvayam,
Chakara chanda thandavam thanothu na shiva shivam. [1]
Jata kataha sambhramabrama nillimpa nirjari,
Vilola veechi vallari viraja mana moordhani,
Dhaga dhaga daga jjwala lalata patta pavake,
Kishora Chandra shekare rathi prathi kshanam mama. [2]
Dara darendra nandini vilasa bhandhu bhandura,
Sphuradigantha santhathi pramodha mana manase,
Krupa kadaksha dhorani niruddha durdharapadi,
Kwachi digambare mano vinodhamethu vasthuni. [3]
Jada bhujanga pingala sphurath phana mani prabha, Kadamba kumkuma drava praliptha digwadhu mukhe, Madhandha sindhura sphurathwagu utthariya medhure, Mano vinodhamadhbutham bibarthu bhootha bharthari. [4]
Sahasra lochana prabhoothyasesha lekha shekhara,
Prasoona dhooli dhorani vidhu sarangri peedabhu,
Bhujangaraja Malaya nibhadha jada jhootaka,
Sriyai chiraya jayatham chakora bandhu shekhara. [5]
Lalata chathwara jwaladhanam jaya sphulingabha,
Nipeetha pancha sayagam saman nilimpanayakam,
Sudha mayookha lekhaya virajamana shekharam,
Maha kapali sampade, siro jadalamasthu na. [6]
Karala bhala pattika dhagadhaga jjwala,
Ddhanam jayahuthi krutha prachanda pancha sayage ,
Dharadharendra nandhini kuchagra chithrapathraka,
Prakalpanaika shilpini, trilochane rather mama. [7]
Naveena megha mandali nirudha durdharath sphurath,
Kahoo niseedhi neethama prabhandha bandha kandhara,
Nilimpa nirjari darsthanothu kruthi sindhura,
Kala nidhana bandhura sriyam jagat durandhara. [8]
Prafulla neela pankaja prapancha kalima prabha,
Valambhi kanda kanthali ruchi prabandha kandharam,
Smarschidham puraschidham bhavaschidham makhachidham,
Gajachidandakachidham tham anthakachidham bhaje. [9]
Agarva sarva mangalaa kalaa kadamba manjari,
Rasa pravaha madhuri vijrumbha mana madhu vrtham,
Suranthakam, paranthakam, bhavanthakam, makhandakam,
Gajandhakandhakandakam thamanthakanthakam bhaje. [10]
Jayathwadhabra vibramadbujaamga maswasath,
Vinirgamath, kramasphurath, karala bhala havya vat,
Dhimi dhimi dhimi dhwanan mrudanga thunga mangala,
Dhwani karma pravarthitha prachanda thandawa shiva. [11]
Drusha dwichi thra thalpayor bhujanga moukthika srajo,
Garishta rathna loshtayo suhrudhwi paksha pakshayo,
Trunara vinda chakshusho praja mahee mahendrayo,
Samapravarthika kadha sadashivam bhajamyaham. [12]
Kada nilampa nirjaree nikunja kotare vasan,
Vimuktha durmathee sada sirasthanjaleem vahan,
Vilola lola lochano lalama bhala lagnaka,
Shivethi manthamucharan kada sukhee bhavamyaham. [13]
Imam hi nithya meva muktha muthamothamam sthavam,
Padan, smaran broovan naro vishudhimethi santhatham,
Hare Gurou subhakthimasu yathi nanyadha gatheem,
Vimohinam hi dehinaam sushakarasya chithanam. [14]
Poojavasana samaye dasa vakhra geetham,
Ya shambhu poojana param padthi pradhoshe,
Thasya sthiraam radha gajendra thuranga yuktham,
Lakshmeem sadaiva sumukheem pradadathi shambu. [15]
Ithi Ravana krutham, Shiva thandava stotram, Sampoornam,
कोई टिप्पणी नहीं:
एक टिप्पणी भेजें