Astrology rates this stone quite high when it talks about its abilities to derive wealth and prosperity. With this stone in possession, one gains financial status and stability in life. With no adverse impacts, anyone can use it. It fills its wearers and the entire environment around with wealth and prosperity, if worn with profound faith and devotion. Also, Green Tourmaline saves one from falling into misfortunate events.
For the fact, no soul, whether a male or a female, expresses only masculine or feminine energies. It is the rule of the nature for both of them to be present in everybody, though in different proportions. Green Tourmaline makes one realize and attain a true balance between masculine and feminine aspects, and thus makes one almost perfect in its limits. Therefore, those who often find themselves to be suppressed by their instinctive feminine qualities can turn it in balance with this stone. The impact initiates with making one feel physically stronger, and as one grows with time, the stone also helps one realizes his true potentials on the aspects of mind and emotions.
Other than that, one never suffers from any kind of dissonance or negativism within his physical, mental, and soulful aspects. One gains ‘as vast as possible’ awareness of oneself, and also augments in strength, courage, and self-confidence.
Health Benefits
On health aspects, it whelps one attain a perfect body shape. Those with extra fat on their belly can lose it healthily and effectively with this stone. It also strengthens and stimulates the reproductive system to perform better. Also, sexual energy gets a boost with it. One suffering from lack of energy, distress, or hormonal imbalance can improve their state with this stone. With such nature of health impact, astrology considers it to be one essential gemstone to be possessed by athletes and sportsmen.
Recommended To
It is highly recommended to students, professionals engaged in work requiring mental efforts, and those who are preparing for competitive examinations. It enhances one’s concentration abilities and enables one to act almost every time with absolute perfection. It is also equally recommended to businessmen, traders, leaders, politicians, writers.
Rules of Wearing
Anyone wish to wear it should do so in silver only. A man can wear it in the form of a necklace, and that too only one at a time. People wear it for different time periods. While some wear it all time along, some wear it during daytime only, and some others wear it for intervals. According to astrology, one should initiate by wearing it for shorter periods, and then should gradually move up and ahead by increasing that time. Usually, out of its intrinsic properties, it might make one feel headache or irritability, if worn for long durations. In case, one suffers from that, astrology recommends that the stone should be immediately removed. However, one must ensure to wear it daily, even if it is for a short period of time.
Important Note
Women are recommended not to wear Green Tourmaline stone, as its astrological properties do not go in concord with the needs and characteristics of women. However, if one actually does wear it, it should only be for short periods. If followed otherwise, one might suffer from serious hormonal imbalances. However, in certain case, where a woman is an athlete, or where a woman suffers from complete lack of energy, this stone can be productive.
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