शुक्रवार, 9 दिसंबर 2011

Shri Bhairav Yantra: Learn to Use

Shri Bhairav Yantra
The principles of Yantra usage calls for following a certain prescribed way with which they are meant to be established and worshipped. Following of those principles is considered to be too significance as it plays a decisive role in deciding if the bearer will eventually be able to successfully draw the benefits of the Yantra or not. Here is a detailed description of the process and way with which Shri Bhairav Yantra is required to be established and worshipped. Take a look.

Establishing or worshipping of all Yantra, including Shri Bhairav Yantra should only be done with a pure state of mind, body, and soul. It is essentiality required for the bearer to take a bath before carrying out the establishment process or before offering prayers to the Yantra. Shri Bhairav Yantra should only be established on a clean and tidy altar either in the East facing direction. The place of the Yantra where you will supposedly be carrying out Yantra worship should preferably a clean and peaceful place, where you can put yourself in the worship in absolute terms of body, mind, and soul.

Light up an incense stick or an oil lamp on daily basis. Also, offer fresh flowers and some fruits as Bhog to the Shri Bhairav Yantra. Prayers of the Yantra can be carried out with the idol or an image of your Isht Deva. Then take some fresh water (preferably from the leaf of a tree) in your hand to first sprinkle it on yourself, and then follow it by sprinkling it on the altar containing the Shri Bhairav Yantra. Close your eyes, and try to concentrate yourself completely to the worship of the Yantra. Pray to the Yantra, as well as to the idol or the image of the God or Goddess placed alongside the Yantra, to grant you with their blessings. At the end, recite the Mantra of the Shri Bhairav Yantra for at least 21 times, which is “Om Hareeng Butkaya Aapduddhar Anay Kuru Kuru Batukaya Hareengi”. Hopwever, in order to derive the best results of the Yantra, it is recommended to recite this Mantra for 108 times on daily basis.
Shri Bhairav Yantra

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